Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Students, today write 10 sentences about animals.
cow, horse, cat, dog, sheep, goat, chicken, pig, donkey, bird, monkey, lion, tiger,
You can use a dictionary at to look up definitions.


  • The cow eats grass and corn.
  • The mouse runs from the cat.


  1. 10 Sentences about animals

    1.- The cow is very big.
    2.- The cats climb the trees.
    3.- The hourse to ride very fast.
    4.- The dog is a best friend to the man.
    5.- The chicken is a very healthy foot.
    6.- The goat is a very cute.
    7.- The pig is a very fat.
    8.- The bird is a very good flying
    9.- The fish can't to survive out of the water.
    10.- The lion is a very dangerous animal , because hi eats people

    1. 3 The horse runs very fast. When I ride the horse, I can travel fast.
      5. food
      6. The goat is very cute.
      7. The pig is very fat.
      8. The bird is very good at flying.
      9. The fish can't survive out of water.
      10 ....he eats people.

  2. Jaehyeok, Go
    1. The bird pick up apple.
    2. The monkey climbs tree.
    3. The pig shower is mud.
    4. The dog is bite my arm.
    5. The horse run to beach.
    6. The mouse eat cheese.
    7. The cat down on roof.
    8. The lion run about cow.
    9. The donkey drag a cart.
    10. The dolphin is jump up.

    1. 1 ...picks up an apple.
      2. Monkeys climb trees.
      3. Pigs like to bathe in mud.
      4. The dog bit my arm.
      5. The horse ran to the beach. or The horse runs on the beach.
      6. ...eats..
      7. The cat jumped up on the roof. Then it jumped down.
      8. The lion runs after the cow.
      9. ...drags...
      10. The dolphin jumps out of the water.

  3. 1. The students play with dog.
    2. The cat is very nice .
    3. The horse is very important for me .
    4. The sheep is useful for all body .
    5. Monkey like a banana .
    6. The tiger is dangeorus for all body .
    7. The mouse is hut a cat .
    8. The chicken is important when i want cooking.
    9. The lion is very dangeorus .
    10.The donkey is helping for human .

    1. 1. The students play with the dog.
      2. The cat is very nice.
      3. The horse is very important for me.
      4. The sheep is useful for many things--wool and food.
      5. Monkeys like bananas.
      6. The tiger is dangerous to everyone.
      7. The mouse is hut a cat . The cat hunts the mouse.
      8. The chicken is important when i want cooking.
      9. The lion is very dangeorus .
      10.The donkey is helping for human . Donkeys help humans by carrying things.

  4. Roun Lee
    1.The students are playing with a dog.
    2.The cat is seeing a bird.
    3.There are five pigs and cow in a farm.
    4.Monkey likes a banana which is on the tree.
    5.The dog could run very well a year ago but
    now It can't run.
    6.Usually, Animals scare a tigers.
    7.Horse is very fast which is in a stable.
    8.There is my cow which I bought yesterday.
    9.The sheep run from the wolf but Wolf is
    faster than sheep.
    10.I like monkey which is wise.

    1. 2. The cat sees a bird. or The cat is watching a bird.
      3. There are five pigs and one cow on the farm.
      4. Monkeys like bananas, which grow on trees.
      6. Usually, animals are scared of tigers.
      7. Horses are fast. They are kept in stables.
      8. I like monkeys. They seem to be wise.

  5. My uncle has a crow in his farm.
    My brother likes house, and he has three horse.
    My siter don't likes chiken.
    My granmother has a bird in her hause.
    Marg wents to the zoo. and she loked the monkey.
    The mouse runs for the house.
    Carol likes the tiger.
    Frank feeds the sheep.
    The lion is more dangerous than the elephant.
    My sister gives a pig in my birthday.
    The goat lives in the mountain.
    I don't like donkey.

  6. My animals I like is de cat.
    My sister has 2 monkey.
    My broder has 3 houers .
    MY family don't like dogs nver.
    The favorite food chicken.
    The grendfither has many lion.
    The bird is rare it is name light.
    The pig is nver like in K.s.a.

  7. While the dogs growled at each other, the wolves devoured the sheep
    Kids can print illustrations of tiger sharks and other animals to color or use in school projects.

    Even her enemies do not deny that she is brave as a lion and can be as dangerous to people in her path.a woodworking apparatus consisting of a clamping frame and saw, used for cutting marquetry veneers.Birds have wings for forelimbs, a body covered with feathers, a hard bill covering the jaw, and a four-chambered heart.
    a woodworking apparatus consisting of a clamping frame and saw, used for cutting marquetry veneers.
    a domestic fowl, Gallus domesticus, descended from various jungle fowl of southeastern Asia and developed in a number of breeds for its flesh, eggs, and feathers.
    the flesh of swine; pork.

  8. The chicken is a food delicious.
    The cat is a animal felinous.
    The bird fly very fast.
    The monkey are animals what live in the jungle.
    The lion eat meat.
    The donkey is a animal used for transportation.
    The dog is a animal domestic is a pet.
    The people tre Africa hunters the tiger.
    In any countries eating meat the sheep.
    The horses runs at the racecourse.

  9. the cow has milk
    the horseis arms for the wars
    the cat is dangerus for the birds
    the dog is good friend the people
    the sheep has milk and wool
    the goat has delicius meat
    the chicken sing in the morning
    the pig eat corn and vegetable

    the donkey is animal the work
    the bird sing and son in morning
    the monkey live in the wood

  10. Humans love dogs because he is a friend.
    In Saudi Arabia like sheep meat.
    In Saudi Arabia do not eat pig.
    We have a cat in House.
    In Saudi Arabia we have horses racing.
    I like cow's milk.
    We drink goat's milk.
    I love going to out animal Haddikt Watch tiger.

  11. 1.The cow eat boil.
    2.the horse you can be racing or step.
    3.The cat eat rabbit.
    4.The dog is friend the man.
    5.the sheep milk is given.
    6.the goat is good cheese.
    7.the chicken eat corn.
    8.The pig meat is tasty.
    9.The lion is the kind of the jungle.
    10.The monkey eat banana.

    2-I love riding the horse.
    3-I have cat in my home.
    4-I have a dog in my house but he don't like my cat.
    5-I like eat sheep Meat.
    6-Chicken eggs good for health.
    7-In my country there is no pigs.
    8-I do not like a donkey because he doesn't understand anything.
    9-I love the sounds of birds in the morning.
    10-Lion is the king of the forest.
    11-Tiger is one of the fast animals in the forest.

  13. 1 - The cow is very beautiful.
    2 - I have a black horse in my father farm.
    3 - I hate a cat Because I have allergies.
    4 - I love the dog he very friendly.
    5 - In my country most people have sheep in saudi.
    6 - I like milk of goat.
    7 - The chicken eat every Insects in the place.
    8 - The lion is King of the Jungle.
    9 - The monkey is very Dirty.
    10 - The tiger is very fast
